Textbooks, Lecture Notes, and Youtube Tutorials

In this section, I maintain a list of all the academic textbooks and lecture series for the courses and self study I have done throughout my udergrad at Ahmedabad University and in the present.


Electromagnetism | Introduction to Electrodynamics - David J. Griffiths (Undergraduate), Classical Electrodynamics - Jackson (Graduate)

Classical Mechanics | Introduction to Classical Mechanics- David J. Morin, An introduction to Mechanics - Kleppner/Kolenkow, Mechanics - Volume 1 of course of theoretical physics - L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Classical Mechanics - Goldstein, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems - Stephen T. Thornton and Jerry B. Marion

Waves and Optics | Vibrations and Waves - A. P. French

Quantum Mechanics | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - David J. Griffiths, Principles of Quantum Mechanics - R. Shankar, Modern Quantum Mechanics - J. J. Sakurai, Quantum Mechanics Concepts and Applications - Nouredine Zettili

General Relativity | Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity - Sean M. Caroll, A first course in General Relativity - Bernard Schutz, General Relativity - Robert M. Wald, General Relativity - M. P . Hobson, G . P . Efstathiou and A . N . Lasenby, Global Aspects in Gravitation and Cosmology - Pankaj S. Joshi, Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity - Steven Weinberg, Gravitation - Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation - Padmanabhan, Large Scale Structure of Space Time - Hawking and Ellis

Cosmology | An Introduction to Modern Cosmology - Andrew Liddle, Cosmology - Daniel Baumann

Topology | Topology - Munkres, Introduction to Topological Manifolds - John M. Lee

Differential Geometry | Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists - Christopher Isham, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds - John M. Lee, Geometrical Anatomy of Theoretical Physics - Frederic P. Schuller, The Geometry of Physics - Theodore Frankel, Differential Geometry - Loring w. Tu

Quantum Field Theory | Quantum Field Theory - Lewis Ryder

Nonlinear Dynamics | Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Strogatz

Solid State Physics | Introduction to Solid State Physics - Charles M. Kittel

Mathematical Methods for Physics | Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Riley, Hobson, and Bence, Mathematical Methods for Physicists - Arfken and Weber, Complex Variables - Mark J. Ablowitz and Athanassios S. Fokas, Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers - Carl M. Bender and Steven A. Orszag

Astrophysics | Theoretical Astrophysics Vol. 1,2, and 3 - Thanu Padmanabhan, An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics - Bradley W. Carroll and Dale A. Ostile


Chemistry | Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry - G.S. Sodhi

Engineering Drawing | Engineering Drawing: Plane and Solid Geometry - N. D. Bhatt

Electronics, Magnetic Circuits, and Devices| Electricity and Magnetism - Edward M. Purcell and David J. Morin

Thermodynamics | Heat and Thermodynamics - M. W. Zemansky and Richard H. Dittman

Fluid Mechanics | Fluid Mechanics - Frank M. White, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics - Fox and McDonald, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering - Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith, Peter Harriott

Materials Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction - William D. Callister

Mechanics of Rigid Bodies | Mechanics of Materials - R. C. Hibbeler

Heat Transfer | Heat Transfer - B. K. Dutta

Kinematics and Structures of Machines |Theory of Machines - S. S. Ratan

Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing | Mastering CAD/CAM - Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/CAM and Automation - Farazdak Haideri, CAD/CAM Principles and Applications - P. N. Rao

Materials and Processes of Manufacturing | Manufacturing Science - Ghosh and Malik, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology - Serope Kalpakjian

Dynamics of Machines and Vibrations | Theory of Machines - S. S. Ratan

Design, Materials, and Manufacturing | Machine Tools - R. Kesavan and B. Vijaya Ramnath, Strength of Materials - S. Timoshenko

Robotics | Robot Modeling and Control - Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar, Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots - Roland Siegwart and Illah R. Nourbakhsh

Thermal Energy Systems | Power Plant Engineering - P. K. Nag

Control Engineering Theory and Applications | Control Systems Engineering - Norman S. Nise

Solar Thermal Energy | Solar Energy - S.P. Sukhatme, Solar Thermal Engineering - P.J. Lunde, Solar Energy - J.S. Hsieh, Solar Thermal Engineering Systems - G.N. Tiwari and S. Suneja

Manufacturing Systems and Operations | Operations Management: Theory and Practice - Mahadevan B

Automobile Engineering | Automotive Mechanics - William Crouse and Donald Anglin, Automobile Engineering Vol. I and II - Kirpal Singh

Computer Science

Python | Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language - Mark Summerfield, Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python - John V Guttag, An Introduction to Python - Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake Jr,

C | Programming in ANSI C - E Balagurusamy, C - Schildt, Advanced Graphics Programming in C and C++ - Stevens and Watkins

Data Structures and Algorithms | Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C - Mark Allen Weiss, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications - Jean Paul Tremblay and Paul G. Sorenson, Data Structures and Algorithms Concepts Techniques and Applications - G A Vijayalakshmi Pai, Classic Data Structures - Debasis Samanta

Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach - Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norwig

Scheduling Algorithms | Scheduling Algorithms - Peter Brucker, Graph Theory - Narsingh Deo, Network Flows - Ahuja


Multivariable Calculus | Thomas' Calculus - George B. Thomas

Discrete Mathematics | Discrete Mathematics and its Applications - Kenneth H. Rosen

Fourier Analysis | Lecture Notes EE 261 The Fourier Transform and its Applications - Brad Osgood, Data Driven Science & Engineering - Steven L. Brunton

Lecture Notes

Cosmology | Lecture Notes of Inflation and Cosmological Perturbation Theory - Leonardo Senatore, William H. Kinney, Daniel Baumann, Shinji Tsujikawa, Antonio Riotto, David Wands, Julian Lesgourges, Robert Brandenberger, Tomislav Prokopec

Quantum Field Theory | Lecture Notes on QFT - David Tong

General Relativity | Geometry and Physics of Black Holes - Éric Gourgoulhon

Topology | Lecture Notes on Topology - Allen Hatcher

Differential Geometry | Lecture Notes on Differential Geometry - John M. Lee

Mathematical Methods for Physics | Lecture Notes on Mathematical Methods for Physics - Matthew Schwartz

Mathematical GR | Lectures on the Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics - Frederic P. Schuller, Lectures notes taken by Richie Dadhley on the Gravitation and Light Course - Frederic P. Schuller

Youtube Lectures

Cosmology | TASI Lectures on Inflation, Cosmological Perturbation Theory - Antonio Riotto and Julian Lesgourges

Quantum Field Theory | QFT - David Tong

General Relativity | General Relativity - Eigen Chris, Introduction to the math of GR - Scienceclic english, Playlists on concepts of GR - Physics Exaplined

Mathematical GR | Lectures on the Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics - Frederic P. Schuller, Lectures on the Gravitation and Light Course - Frederic P. Schuller